Friday, December 19, 2008

I was thinking the kids had gotten over the fact that the baby "eats my boob". Yes, they still crowd around me like I'm a freak show when it is time to feed her...


... but the interesting questions had stopped.

The other day I had a conversation with Bub that went a little something like this:

Bub: What are you doing?

Me: Feeding the baby.

Bub: Why can't you just go in the kitchen and feed her a hot dog or something?

Me: Trust me, if I could just feed her a hot dog I would.

Bub: Well make her something else. Give her a chip!

Me: She is just a baby and can only have milk right now.

Bub: Oh. Can I have a chip?

Who knew breastfeeding would bring up so many fun conversations?!

(September 10, 2008)

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