Friday, December 19, 2008

Drama at 7AM

Oh, Alyssa. I love the child.

The neighbors decided to put up their Christmas tree at some point in the evening. Alyssa asked me last night when Christmas was and I told her about a month away. She was excited and went to bed.

This morning she got up, opened the blinds and noticed the Christmas tree in the neighbors window. THAT is when the drama began.

"They have their Christmas tree up?! Why?! Oh no! Daddy and Mommy didn't put up the tree, we missed Christmas. We totally missed Christmas, Sophia. Santa didn't come! We got nothing, no toys!"

*cue tears*

"I cannot believe we missed Christmas. They didn't even take us to Ohio! Christmas is over and we have no toys because DADDY and MOMMY forgot to put up the TREEE!"

She then ran into Bub's room and woke him up by yelling his name and repeating how Dad and Mom robbed them of Christmas. I was just trying to finish nursing the baby. When I got up she was livid with me. I just looked at her and said, "What did I tell you last night?" She replied, "Christmas isn't for another 33 days?" To which I replied, "Yep! You didn't miss Christmas, they just put their tree up before we did."

*End drama*

(November 21, 2008)

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